Folks, a new day a Apple Wifi problem… Did anyone out there also notice the horrible 5GHZ AC connection from the latest MacBook Pro and the latest AirPort Extreme? I have pings between 2ms to 1000ms, paket loss and very very low transfer speeds of under 10Mbit/s. The funny thing is, the Signal/Noise ratio is perfect, the signal is excelent and even the Apple indicates a full speed connection of “1300” Mbit/s….
I noticed, if there is a lot of load on the Wifi the ping answers are way better (Down to 5ms and stable) as with no load and only background noise… the first thing i said to myself, hmm maybe engery saving but there is not option to change anything in this direction. There is no difference between WPA/WPA2/WPA2 Enterprise, always the same behavior. If i change the Wifi channel, the problem is gone for some time, but not for long. If my MBPr goes to sleep and woke up, the same strange thing. So my question, is anybody out there with the same or similar problems?
Edit: Temporary fix is to disable Power Nap! So wifi also sleeps and gets powered up on wake up. This solves my problem, well new OS, new Book, new Airport, i expected something like this :/
Edit 2: The latest AirPort Extreme Firmware update solved almost all issues.
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