10.8.3 Build 12D78 is the chosen one!

theendNot far from now, Build 12D78 is marked as final from apple and available at the Apple AppStore Update site! Wow, what a beta race build… i hope this Update is absolut flawless or i’m going out and buy a Windows 8 PC *brrrr* no i’ll never would do such horrible things, sorry for that 😉

I hope everybody out there enjoys the release and i also hope that it is a “everything is cool” release for all of us! Let me know how it goes on your Mac’s!

Edit: The “Blue Tined” bug is back… great, NOT!

  1. Hi
    until now just running fine
    but only 1 day and 12 hour up who knows :mrgreen:
    (and Thanks again for your effort )

  2. ” i hope this Update is absolut flawless or i’m going out and buy a Windows 8 PC *brrrr* no i’ll never would do such horrible things, sorry for that ”

    None of us would….
    Let’s pray 10.9 will be robust and well built.

    Many thanks for the time you take to share things around.

  3. Random lurker

    Thanks for all the betas posted. I had good time testing them and did not have issues. I reinstalled 10.8.3 from scratch and all is running well no issues. I was only annoyed by slow shutdown times from 10.8.2. Most of beta builds improved it and it seems final release is good to go.

    Looking forward to 10.9

  4. good morning
    this last beta (10.8.3 Build 12D78) have an expiration date?
    or you can leave installed without problem?
    works for me very well and I passed it to install on other betas that malfunctioning pc
    and if they have an expiration date which is it?
    thank you very much

  5. thank you very much and thanks for publishing 😀

  6. Is running well no issues. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Keep up the good work and hope to see 10.9 dev builds soon! 🙂

  8. Pssst, 10.8.4 dev is out ! 😛 thanks!

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