OS X 10.8.3 Beta Build 12D78

mountainIt’s unbelievable… just the next beta from Apple… this time it is labeled with 12D78 and hopefully the last beta for 10.8 or we can just download 10.9 beta before we have the final of 10.8.3 😉

As always, for you, for testing, for happiness!

OS X 10.8.3 Beta Build 12D78 Delta Update (SHA1 cbe671d6475deaf9d9ada18663044f86a3c96215)
OS X 10.8.3 Beta Build 12D78 Combo Update (SHA1 ffba3d2491430d5a99ec529ea2b54b62f88d2238)

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  1. I knew it you will be fast!
    Thanks again 🙂

  2. Random lurker

    Thanks! Not even two hours after release… Impressive.

    Is there a way to donate to you besides Bitcoin? Paypal perhaps?

  3. Dank Dir! Wo ist der Donation-Button 🙂 ?

  4. Thanks! you are awesome! but apple are sucking at the moment! lol

  5. Ty for this 🙂 Can we expected 10.9 beta soon 😀

  6. can not wait for 10.9 alpha/beta what ever! 😛 and thanks for this… getting a bit silly with beta updates….

  7. thanks!!!! :mrgreen:

  8. Die scheinen echt en Bug im System zu haben den sie mit dem Update beheben wollen es aber einfach nicht schaffen…

  9. Thanks again :mrgreen:

  10. Thank You

  11. I think it’s a graphic bug on certain 2009 macbooks.. I’ve seen it with a friend’s book and it seems that they couldn’t fix it yet…

  12. If only it fixed the Graphic Corruption on AMD hackintosh, still stuck on Lion till someone can get it to work. Trying DP1 with i386 just to get around this annoying bug!

  13. Jonathan Königsberger


  14. Thanks, yes, this here hopefully: OSX sound stuttering / system instabiity https://discussions.apple.com/message/19066129#19066129

  15. Das war es wohl jetzt – 10.8.3 final is out – Build 12D78

  16. 10.8.3 official Combo Update out any link pal

  17. OS X Mountain Lion Update v10.8.3 (Combo)
    At last. Let’s compare… ❓

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