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xcodeXCode Developer Preview 5 is out, build is now 5A11365y.

Here for you, for testing!




XCode Developer Preview 5 (SHA1 ac11eb72399f1fb1c036df6a1aa333f930b4552d)

  1. Hi Shade,

    Thanks. Can you also upload XCode 5 DP 5 Command Line Tools Mavericks


  2. OS X10.9 BETA 5 ist da !!

  3. safari6.1seed5

    Please Safari 6.1 Seed 5. 😳

  4. OS X10.9 BETA 5 BUILD 5A11365y HAS OUT BROTHER 🙂

  5. OS X10.9 BETA 5 BRO !! 😉

  6. Kasemsan Chompuwised

    please 10.8.5 12F33 and Safari 6.1 seed 5 😥

Reply to safari6.1seed5 ¬
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