Golden Mavericks Times…

mavericksIt’s time folks, it’s time… here at ./ we’re celebrating today golden times. The Golden Times of Mavericks! This time a Torrent has been created, because i have not enough resources to cover the bandwidth. If the download via HTTP mirror is to slow for you and you can do torrent, download it via torrent, it’s well seeded at the moment.

Have fun and let me know how good and how bad it runs!


-> Go to OS X Beta

Leave a comment ?


  1. Seeding now with 100%

  2. There are many seeders now. Nearly 200 full seeds!

  3. please seed, i seed much, much…. DL is going down 😕

  4. thnx alot .. seeding .. =)

  5. Shared 500GB of Mavericks with you by Torrent. I’ll stop seeding now.

    If I would know how legal it is to share am GM, I would like to be a http mirror.

  6. Nice work, dude, but maybe you should consider the using of magnet links for your future uploads, instead of using raw disk space. It’s much cheaper (let’s say almost free) that paying for bandwidth

  7. Danke danke !!! Du bist alle alle größte 😉

  8. Can someone post a link to the iPhoto Seed ❓

  9. May it be possible to get the OS X Server Preview 9 ?

  10. what about xcode 5.0.1 can you upload it 🙂

  11. Xcode 5.0.1 anyone??

  12. Danke 😛

    Hat sonst noch wer Probleme mit iMessage in der DP lief es ohne Probleme mit FileNVRAM und Builtin Ethernet im Chameleon.
    Jetzt bekomme ich eine neue Fehlermeldung beim Anmelden, die mir sagt das ich mich beim Apple Support melden soll 😳

  13. Any idea where I can download the new iPhoto 9.4.7 beta?

  14. THX… Seeding… 😉

  15. Hey guys, I guess I haven’t dive that much into the system before to understand the advice to open the dmg in a right way. How can or should the PATH look like when the file “” is located on my desktop?

  16. xcode 5.0.1 ?

  17. XCode, Remote Desktop and Server coming soon!

  18. Please upload xcode 5.0.1

  19. thanks dude, you rock!

  20. THANKS YOU SHADE :mrgreen:

  21. Hey Shade, thanks a bunch for your hard work and sharing with community! You ar etop man!
    Installing 10.9 Server now 😉

  22. Thanks Shade for making all of these available to us. Is there any chance you could post the iPhoto seed as well? I performed a fresh install after updating and now the seed won’t appear in my App Store again.

  23. Torrent sites with magnets are the best, now you can’t DL large files without paying or getting such low bandwidth.

    Thnaks Wolf for the load.

    A little work fresh installing, having to unhide, load basesystem to flash, then replace package.

    This seems to be the fastest boot shutdown of all from snow.

  24. Macintosh OS X Mavericks 10.9 Golden Master - Page 2 - pingback on 5. October 2013 at 21:36
  25. Guys, does Server should say it’s a ‘Preview’? Even labelled server icon?

  26. OS X Server isn’t GM, it’s new preview

    • Ops, I have installe dit.. I am going to be able to update to final Server from this verison I have installed?

  27. Fantastic, works fine.
    Installation took about 30 minutes

  28. Working superb…….

  29. Gibt es auch schon ein Aperture Update? Die Mediathek ist mit der von iPhoto 9.4.7 nicht mehr kompatibel…

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