Maybe the last Beta of 10.8.5 we will see!
OS X 10.8.5 Beta Build 12F20 Delta Update (SHA1 a98603d937429d7885162f07f8ddd9bcbc7ed9ea)
OS X 10.8.5 Beta Build 12F20 Combo Update (SHA1 da6213b162ac7abd15d37a56267b9df4fc70c8a3)
Maybe the last Beta of 10.8.5 we will see!
OS X 10.8.5 Beta Build 12F20 Delta Update (SHA1 a98603d937429d7885162f07f8ddd9bcbc7ed9ea)
OS X 10.8.5 Beta Build 12F20 Combo Update (SHA1 da6213b162ac7abd15d37a56267b9df4fc70c8a3)
danke danke !
as always thanks
(still having problems with 5 ghz wifi)
Same here. Drops (5 Ghz) wifi in random intervals…
Hibernation Bug still present on MacPro 3,1 early 2008
arigato khuzaimasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

If I install 10.8 and then I update to 10.8.4 I can download and install this update? I should download the delta or combo update? Which is the difference?
You can also go directly from 10.8 to 10.8.5 with the Combo Update
Thanks! If I install now this 10.8.5 combo update, I will be able to install the final 10.8.5 when it comes out officially?
Since 10.8.2 no OS X Update was shown in Mac App Store App. Every update had to install manual. With this release I got my first notification again.
New build 12F23