HP iMC Software on CentOS 6

Just for everyone who have the same problems with installing that Java software on CentOS6. The database config is really strange… if the Deploy fails for you, just open your desired MySQL Database manager, or do it directly on the cli. Open the user management, or just the table, change the hostfield  from “%” to “localhost” of each iMC added user. In my case this was:


“iMC deploy” adds all users with “%” but later iMC trys to connect with e.g. imc_config@localhost and gets a Access denied from mysql. Thats the reason why all deploy jobs fails on CentOS 6 and iMC 5.2 :/ If you need the password, which is a randon generated one, from each user you can get it with:

/opt/iMC/deploy/pwdmgr.sh -query config_db <username>

  1. Thanks for this tip! It is very helpful and save me a lot of time.

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