Golden Mavericks Times…

mavericksIt’s time folks, it’s time… here at ./ we’re celebrating today golden times. The Golden Times of Mavericks! This time a Torrent has been created, because i have not enough resources to cover the bandwidth. If the download via HTTP mirror is to slow for you and you can do torrent, download it via torrent, it’s well seeded at the moment.

Have fun and let me know how good and how bad it runs!


-> Go to OS X Beta

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  1. die4dimension

    Du bist mein HERO of Today 😛

  2. Thank you, so fast! im with you since the first beta and a really appreciate your work.


  3. Thank you kindly. :mrgreen:

  4. Danke! Viele Gruse aus dem Niederlande!

  5. Vielen Dank Meister!

  6. Very fast for GM link. Thanks so much.

  7. I couldn’t open it because of a permission problem, (Unknown User) had read and write permissions while I had no access!
    If you encounter this, open and run the following command:
    sudo chown -R username PATH/TO/INSTALL/OSX/MAVERICKS
    Change username with your username and path with the path to the file and press enter, you will be prompted for your password, but everything should work afterwards! 😀

    • Hey Ian, I guess I haven’t dive that much into the system before to understand your advice in a right way. How can or should the PATH look like when the file “” is located on my desktop?

  8. Thans from Spain!!!

  9. Many-many THX!

    But I’m wait the retail version of 10.9.


  10. Thanks very much, only my download is dripping in at 30kb/s… two days to go :’-(

  11. Wie schnell ist der Download bei euch so?

  12. Can you also upload iPhoto 9.4.7 update ?

  13. danke
    aber warum lädt nur mit 40 KB/s?

  14. Nice. 🙂
    It seems like everyone wants the GM, download is very slow.. 🙁 around 20 KB/s)

  15. any chance that we can have this as a torrent? to can someone post this as a torrent link?

  16. Can someone up it to

  17. Upload it as torrent and the downloads will be much faster !!

  18. thank u bro! some mirrors would be nice cause its loading with 2kps….

  19. Sure that is the correct file? There is no BaseSystem.dmg ;(

  20. Keep seeding guys!

    • Thats the reason why i don’t like torrents… there are 5 people who had a complete seed and they disappeared quickly after got 100% from the swarm… nobody will seed it after its completed 😥
      Edit: Well at least somebody is now seeding it for full! Thanks folks.

      • Using a seedbox. Will seed until a ratio of at least 50. The problem is I cant download, there is a UDP Connection problem.

      • In the future it would be great if you released things as torrents with webseeds – that way people can join the torrent and download from your server but it’ll take some of the load off it.

        Thanks heaps.

    • I’ll seed on 40 mbps connection for a while…

  21. Ha. I think they disappeared to install Mavericks on their only mac. I’ll use my spare com to seed!

  22. I’ll keep the Torrent seeding for a while. There are right now about 600 (70 active) Peers an I’m seeding with ~60MB/s.

    Hope this will help a bit.

  23. I’m seeding with 50MB/s – Hope it helps

  24. hey guys how can i enable finder bars? i dont see the option.
    yes i installed the gm version with this version 13A598

  25. Hi,
    Many thanks for eveything.
    I don’t know exactly how but my safari get broken and I made the mistake to completely remove it…
    Now I can’t find a Safari version which works with Mavericks 10.9…
    Does anyone can help me how to reinstall it in 10.9?
    Thanks in advance

  26. Guys, whats going on??? I’m the only one who is still seeding with 100% ?!?!?
    This is a shame…

  27. I mean I also want to install it, but as I’m seeding from my MacPro I want at least to see a few more guys at 100%. I seeded till 8,00 already

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